We are Norf Casting
Who are Norf Casting?
We are a National agency for extras/supporting artistes and walkons based in Manchester. We are owned and run by Wayne Walsh and Carla Byrom.
We started Norf Casting after working in the film and television production industry as 'Assistant Directors', more commonly referred to as ADs.
At the point that we left to setup the agency Carla Was a 3rd AD. The 3rd ADs main job is to direct the background artists and track their continuity. They work closely with the director and 1st AD to achieve this.
I (Wayne) was a 2nd AD, it was my job to work with the director to decide how many background artists we would need in a scene and then to cast the right people for those parts.
It was only natural that once we had decided to move on from working as ADs that we would graduate from working with background artists on set to working to get them on set in the first place. It was always a massive treat to work with the background artists, a good group can make your day flow so much better as an AD. That's why at Norf we focus on providing quality artistes that either know the job inside and are as keen as mustard to get involved with as many scenes as possible.
We pride ourselves on being an agency that can curate a group of people that are professional, reliable and consistent in their performances for our valued clients.
At Norf our sole aim is to make our clients day run smoother by providing the best supporting artistes and walkons in the business.
Whether you need a single passer by or you have a big crowd day coming up, Norf Casting can help.
We can even be on set to help you sign artists in and out, cast future days or generally just be around for any support. We love getting back onto a set when we can so do not hesitate to ask.
In this industry we understand just how quickly a day can turn, emergencies can rear their prickly little heads at any time which is why we keep ourselves accessible around the clock to our clients. Any hour, day or night, if you need our help just call, we're used to it.
This goes for our artists too, we encourage communication form our artists, drop us a message, email or give us a call. We like to get to know our artists inside and out so that we know we are maximising their access to opportunities.
It's important to us not to be a faceless or cold agency. Our artists are our lifeblood and we like to let them know we are backing them 100%.
Norf have always kept it a priority to only provide the best. We operate strict policies with regards to DBS's. We require that all of our artists keep their DBS up to date and we personally check them before each booking. It is our policy not to provide SA's without a valid DBS if children are present on set.
We know what you need because we used to be you!
We are always at the end of the phone!
We are not your average faceless agency.
Our DBS Policy
Want to know more about which prodcutions we have worked with in the past?
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